New job title
I had two jobs for the day. Ride my bike and try and fix a lawnmover for Jack. If I were a basball player I would be doing great because I am batting 500. I did not get to the lawnmover. We did finally see some rain which was brewing just off the coast as I road along a now open section of Hwy 90. I did hear the tractor fire today, but there is still an electrical problem. With my ability to only shock myself when encountering electricity I will leave that to someone else.

If you do not have a strong constitution, sense of humor and a unmatched ability to roll with the punches you might not have what it takes to live on the Gulf Coast.

If you do not have a strong constitution, sense of humor and a unmatched ability to roll with the punches you might not have what it takes to live on the Gulf Coast.
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