Kopper Kopper crime stopper
Got up, got out of bed and drug a comb across my head.....gotcha. I don't have any hair. Friday is usually a rest day for me on the bike. Why should today be any different. So I got motivated and strutted out the door to the sound of yappin' dawgs. Kens terrior Tricky is an old friend, but Kopper is a newbie. Just before the hurricane season Kens Chihuahua Pepe was eaten by an alligator. Sad but true. Pepe was aggressive and maybe over stepped his bounds down on the bayou. That bayou can be rough at times. So, Kopper is a high powered sprinter that can run with the best of them. Fast and nimble he has a deft touch on his accelerator. He is quite talented, and in all reality looks somewhat like a reindeer without antlers. A bobcat had been sighted on the Fulton property recently, and Ken and I saw what appeared to be bobcat tracks. Hopefully, Kopper and Tricky will keep clear of this guy.

The plan was to get the brush cleared in Kens yard so we can get the pecan tree that has fallen next to the powerlines out. I cleared much of the brush and will get at it again later. Time to spin the battery acid out of the legs.

The plan was to get the brush cleared in Kens yard so we can get the pecan tree that has fallen next to the powerlines out. I cleared much of the brush and will get at it again later. Time to spin the battery acid out of the legs.
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