An afternoon stroll amounst the cypress and the saplings

We just got back from surveying the Fulton family property. It looks like well over 50 large trees have been snapped in half at the midway point. Another dozen or so trees have been up rooted. The job now is to limb out the trees that pose the most danger. Ken has a large pecan and average size cedar tree down right to the south of his house. It appears this two trees and the low lying foliage to the south are what saved his home from being picked up in the 140mph winds and slammed down across the way. The Fultons neighbors just to the east of them lost everything when the back bay and bayou came up over their roof line. They are now living in Kens house.
Good luck cleaning up the property. It looks like it might take a while to finish though. Hope you enjoy your trip even if it is filled with sights of devestation.
You're a good man, Charlie Brown
Ya it will be a long time before all is back to normal here. I am gonna head out here soon and take a walk around the property. The plan is to take a trash bag and pick up anything small.
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