Man on a Mission
With the social-political growlings of Greg Graffin squelching from my ipod I set out for my daily flogging. I hit out with 2 sets of 5 spinups to 160+rpm towards Woolmarket (yes that is the name of a town). The I managed 3x3min @ 90-95% with 3 minutes rest after turning north towards the national forest. It was a hard to warmup, but after I recovers the next series of beatings was pretty relaxed with 3x10min @ 90% with 3 min rest, and 4x2min @90% with 1 min rest. There is nothing like a little gravel or dirt road to polish off a ride.

I definitely am guilty of protesting my distrust and dissatisfaction with the establishment. Whether that is government and its programs or private establishments like the insurance industry. I believe it is our duty as free people to speak out against programs that do not serve us to the best of our/their ability. Whether you are right or not is peripherial to the reasoning. It is necessary to question authority to keep that structure intact, in check. But, I am no preacher. You will not get directional services from me. I am not a hypocrite either so I will go pick up some more downed limbs.

I definitely am guilty of protesting my distrust and dissatisfaction with the establishment. Whether that is government and its programs or private establishments like the insurance industry. I believe it is our duty as free people to speak out against programs that do not serve us to the best of our/their ability. Whether you are right or not is peripherial to the reasoning. It is necessary to question authority to keep that structure intact, in check. But, I am no preacher. You will not get directional services from me. I am not a hypocrite either so I will go pick up some more downed limbs.
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