Its all relative.

As I rolled back into St. Louis this afternoon I kept hearing, "I can't believe how cold it is." It is cold. But, it feels like spring to me. I'm not bragging just speaking to the strange phenomenon that occurs when you have arrived in a place where the weather conditions are much different. Hot-cold, windy-calm, you get the point. This is where I am going. CHICAGO IS REALLY FREAKIN' COLD! I have been working there for the past couple of weeks, and I can not stand the weather. The arctic blast has invaded up there, and St. Louis has just got the tip of exposure. I generally don't whine and complain about the weather. True I would rather it was sunny and 80 degrees all the time, but a little change now and again is good for the head. Variety is the spice or life, right? Well screw Chicago, you can have it, they can have it. While working outside all week all I had in my head was the voice of one of our managers at work. "Chicago in the winter? I have never been colder than when I worked in Chicago in the winter." Hands down, the coldest I have ever been in the winter is working in Chicago this past tuesday when the high temp struggled up to 4 degrees, and the wind chill brought the digits down to -20. I guess the numbers don't really carry much meaning at that point because I have been in worse, but never for 8 hours a day. The best part of my week was getting out of my truck when I got back into St. Louis today, and stepping out into the 20+ degrees and felling content.
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