Saturday, September 02, 2006


Man what a hack fest Gateway Cup is turning into, or has turned into I should say. Suprisingly enough I wasn't feeling to terrible after my long day. At least when I was warming up. I wanted to quit Lafayette Square after about ten minutes of trying to misss the barriers, not hook bars with some clown trying to pinch me out and not lock up my legs. Wow, my legs felt aweful. I could step on the gas and my lungs would provide, but my long work day just crushed my calves. This was my biggest fear coming to life. So, I did everything to help my guys without doing any real damage. The problem is that now my legs feel like garbage, not tired, but just complete crap. Like after a long mountain bike race where you ran out of water.

Hopefully the Washington Street criterium and fun fest will not bring as much agony and anguish. Hey, at least I didn't wreck like the other 80 people last night.


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