Belleville Bicycle Trail?
In the heartland of diversity that is Belleville I have finally run across something that sticks out like a sore thumb. Two, count them again, two bicycle trails. So eloquently know as the Richland Creek Greenway or the East Belleville Bikeway and the MetroBikeLink Both trails are graded fairly flat, but on occasion the rider gets a turn or two. I imagine the most use that Belleville residents will get out of the trails will be as a dog walk, and for reference when they encounter a cyclist on the road. My favorite debate is the old one about how they just had to pay for a liscense and gas tax. Certainly, no cyclist pays those,and therefor should not allowed to exist but on the trail they just spent the rest of their tax dollars building.

On the MetroBikeLink map you can see that the trail through to the Eades Bridge is not yet complete. Imagine what names the trail might be called as it enters Washington Park and East St. Louis. The Gauntlet, The Shooting Gallery, St. Louis or Bust Trail, and my favorite the East Side Trail Sponsored by the Deciples. Ahh, the youngsters of East St. Louis will have a ball (or throw a ball) as you ride by through their wounderful neighborhoods. At night, the trail will be lined with the bright and colorful light emmiting from burning tires. Flashes of brilliant refracting light will glance off the millions of recycled bottles left on the trail for riders by. Oh what fun. I will be there.

On the MetroBikeLink map you can see that the trail through to the Eades Bridge is not yet complete. Imagine what names the trail might be called as it enters Washington Park and East St. Louis. The Gauntlet, The Shooting Gallery, St. Louis or Bust Trail, and my favorite the East Side Trail Sponsored by the Deciples. Ahh, the youngsters of East St. Louis will have a ball (or throw a ball) as you ride by through their wounderful neighborhoods. At night, the trail will be lined with the bright and colorful light emmiting from burning tires. Flashes of brilliant refracting light will glance off the millions of recycled bottles left on the trail for riders by. Oh what fun. I will be there.
Your sarcastic criticism noted. Cut down IL bike trails all you want, but what does Mo have? Grants' which is supercrowded and so unsafe, and the riverfront. I love the riverfront but for such a metropolitan area that sux as far as distance riding is concerned. And really who will ride a road bike on the katy? Belleville trails are just getting started, better than nothing. I've ridden through east st louis and fairmont, home to troy,il and never had a problem (I'm a petite woman). I speculate that riding the riverfront past downtown,north city has just as much crime. Lots of IL people drive their cars thru fairmont, east st louis and contary to mo folks belief there are not snipers sitting around waiting to take you out. People also take the metrolink without problems. Why is it the big dudes are the most sceerd?
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