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When it gets to be turn back time, things get hectic in the reconditioning world. Automobiles manufacturers get flooded by rental fleets and they have to move them in a New York minute. So they rely on Auto Auctions to broker the deal. Manhiem Auctions is the biggest auction on the planet and they move the cars back to your friendly neighborhood dealer. So once the auctions are flooded reconditioning companies are slammed. Thats when travel season starts for me. Playing "Major Backup' I come in and support local markets for whatever task is needed. I have seen so many cars in the last three weeks I feel like I actually have a job again. You might be asking yourself, "what's the problem." Well, working on the weekends sucks, living out of a hotel room with no kitchen is worse, riding the bike at night sucks after the first couple novelty rides and I haven't seen the temperature gauge crack 25º in the afore mentioned three week period. Yes, I work outside, and ride outside half the time. The bitching continues live somewhere in the midwest if you can find me to here it.
There is not much I know for sure. But, I do know are coffins, I hate the auto industry, but I like what I do. Wrap yourself around that one if you will.
There is not much I know for sure. But, I do know are coffins, I hate the auto industry, but I like what I do. Wrap yourself around that one if you will.