Otis the terrible

He beat all odds. Getting hit by a car as a puppy, Otis was hobbled from the get go. Abused and neglected by his first owner he also came with a bad attitude. His favorite pasttime was escaping the confines of the backyard. But, his legacy will most likely be getting maced (and ultimately getting me arrested for the offense action on his part) by the mailman who had been his sworn enemy for life. He had destoryed many doorknobs trying to get at the speedy blue messenger. Deep down, I really would have liked to see that death match. Otis died Monday night. It is hard to let a pet go. We are animal lovers in our family, and we think of our pets as family members. But, Otis had lost all functions that made him who he was. He could barely put five steps together without falling down, he wasn't sure where the bathroom was and it was more than likely the case that mentally he wasn't all together.
What do we really know about our animals. We know they are beautiful, we love them and that love is mutual. In the end, I guess its the memories that we have to hang on to.